Retro Cookbooks
Authentic vintage recipes with hilarious names, and wartime recipes for mock dishes. Enjoy the retro cookbooks as ebooks or in print.

and other authentic dishes with curious names. By Farrah Knight.
Over the years, recipes evolve for one reason or another, and sometimes these reasons give their names to a particular dish, such as ‘Half-pay Pudding’ – created by a thrifty cook during hard times.
On the other hand, some old-fashioned favourites, like ‘Zeppelins in a Cloud’ derive their titles from the way they look.
The origins of many names are now lost to us, but the names themselves persist in vintage recipe collections handed down from past generations.
These authentic recipes are presented here almost exactly as they first appeared. Toad-in-the Hole, Pigs in Blankets, Gooseberry Fool, Moonshine Pudding, Cock a Leekie Soup, Meat in Ambush, Tuesday Soup, Angels on Horseback, Hedgehog, Black Bottom Pudding…
… these genuine vintage recipes with wacky names are a lot of fun and could provide a talking point at your next dinner-party!
Together, the retro cookbooks make a great gift!
ISBN 9780987500120

and other vintage ‘mock’ dishes. By Farrah Knight.
Ever heard of a dish called “Toad-in-the-Hole”? Ever heard of “Mock Turtle Soup”?
During the Second World War, when ingredients were scarce, inventive cooks produced “Mock Toad-in-the-Hole”. During wartime, governments introduced rationing to cope with food shortages. People experimented, using cheap ingredients to produce expensive flavors.
“Mock Turtle Soup” was famously mentioned in Lewis Carroll’s classic tale “Alice in Wonderland”. The recipe for this soup recipe can be found in Mrs. Beeton’s well-loved 19th century cookbook, along with “mock cream” and “mock chicken”.
“Toad-in-the Hole” is a traditional British dish of sausages cooked in batter, but the “mock” version uses cheaper ingredients. Mmm, delicious!
We bring you the best and most outrageous genuine vintage recipes for wartime “Mock” dishes, reproduced exactly as they originally appeared.
Now you, too, can save money and astonish your dinner guests!
ISBN 9780987500113